23.Oct 2020 - 20 Feb 2022
My practice involves the creative opportunities offered by words and images - their relationships, thoughts, meanings, concepts, and coding.
Life is ever-changing but the past is always here. The repository of human understanding lies within and around us all now built upon prior creative, intellectual, artistic and written endeavours. I believe there are certain ‘givens’ within human experience across time and cultures and one constant is how words, and images, may heal or harm.
As a doctor and psychotherapist, my background is healing through words and images. Therapeutic words have power through their use over time by countless therapists and based upon psychological theory and clinically targeted exegesis and hermeneutics.
The theoretical and practical knowledge gleaned from my years in clinical practice act as the prism through which I conceptually explore the now. For many years I have been privileged and fortunate to share moments of great pain and joy. I understand how important, and generally underestimated, play is in helping us in our life-journey.
I hope my art will offer and informed, playful and good-humoured resource to our wellbeing.
margate NOW festival
Up to December 2019
3-6 Dec
Derek's Room University of Kent
PV 1700 3 Dec
3-7 Dec
Joseph Wales Gallery Margate
PV 1800 3 Dec
I have work in each of these shows.
During the Joseph Wells exhibition
I will be talking about
how my MA studies
have informed my practice.​
JUNE 2019
I love words, the older and more archaic the better as they serve to remind me of the transitory nature of life.
I like to mine such words and mess with meaning.
A rogue philologist, a (lazy) word-archaeologist, a neologistician - even palaeologistician
In the title of the From A to B Show in Folkestone I have created a bastard word to describe my works namely:
feower = four
spaed = to foretell or prophesy
Each palm contains an astrological chart for each artist in the show based on their names, favourite colours & numbers layered onto an image of a Victorian image used in a book on Palmistry from the period.